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D's Dirty Garage Brewery

           Logo design and Beer crate

If you’re going to do something you might as well go all the way… so when I was given a home brew kit I naturally (while waiting for the beer to foment) decided to create my own brewer logo & Labels. Then on top of that (seeing as I don’t have enough already to do) design and build a couple cases to fit the 40+ 650ml bottles I would soon have.


Using reclaimed wood pallets and other scraps I designed 4 stackable cases. To give them an older weathered feel I soaked steel wool in 10% vinegar for a day and washed it on (you can leave it longer and it will provide a more rusty red colour) but I like the greyish look. I all so added the brewery logo to the crate this was achieved but laser printing a reversed image and using an Iron (make sure you get permission from the misses, my first mistake) tape the image face down to the area your transferring to and iron it on, try on scrap first so you know how it will come out. Google it, that’s how I found it.          

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