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Thing to Fix the Thing


We could not resist up grading from one Phil & Ted pushchair to a newer model but I noticed one flaw that I could not deal with. There is a large plastic back support piece which uses some webbing and a clamp (shown in image 5) that allows the seat back to recline for sleeping/sitting. My issue was a poorly designed loop that the webbing we strung through, when you lifted the back to and upright position and pulled the webbing (regardless of how gentle) the webbing would come out of the slot eyelet and when you have two kids to manage this was a pain I wanted to live without. So with my scroll saw I made my first version to keep the webbing from pulling through the back rest. Good example of taking the time now to resolve thing that will save you an unbelievable amount time in the future.


If you want one or have a similar issue that needs fixing get in contact.   Here    

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